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"7 out of 10 CAPS™ participants had an average case size production increase of 15% or more."
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Communication Awareness & Persuasion Skills

Ethical persuasion is the art of influencing another person to do something, that they otherwise wouldn't have done on their own, so they achieve an outcome that's in their best interest. It is a skill that helps you reinforce or change attitudes in another person so they do what's necessary to get what they want. It's built on the principle that you intend to help another person or group of people achieve outcomes that are in their best interest. 

The CAPS™ Workshop helps you develop and sharpen your ethical persuasions skills to improve your ratio of buyers - to interviews held. It increases the average revenue per sale. You get more repeat orders, referrals and introductions to new prospects. Earn more potential bonuses and commissions you deserve without adding to your workload. 

The CAPS™ model is proven to help advisors skillfully guide conversations because you learn how to consistently respond in a way that respects what the prospect is communicating instead of relying on rote memorization.  This makes CAPS™ Skills useful in every client conversation and in every personal conversation where the outcome is important.

Take a Closer Looks at CAPS

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to take an in depth look at what make CAPS so unique and specific skills you will learn when you take our listening based communication course. Now offering Online Courses and Live Workshop!



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Why CAPS™? 

The short answer is because CAPS™ Skills improve results. Internal analysis by one of our Fortune 500 clients shows CAPS™ Skills training and coaching improves financial advisor’s productivity by helping them better implement their company’s advice process. Over 70% of veteran advisors who attend CAPS™ saw production increases – with ½ of them up over 20%

coaching follow up

Follow-up Coaching 

Use of the skills enables the advisor to ethically persuade prospects to buy solutions that are in the prospect’s best interest.

Advisors are not asked to memorize scripts. Instead, they learn how to apply the skills to every part of their familiar client development and sales process.


The CAPS™ Overview

Use of the skills enables the advisor to ethically persuade prospects to buy solutions that are in the prospect’s best interest.

Advisors are not asked to memorize scripts. Instead, they learn how to apply the skills to every part of their familiar client development and sales process.


The CAPS™ Workshop is traditionally offered as a day and a half on-site classroom workshop but we are now offering as a 9 week online course as well!

If you chose our on-site classroom workshop, the location is at your discretion and our facilitator will travel to a mutually agreed upon location. This type of training is great for those companies with sales reps in the same location. Each on-site workshop has between 8-10 participants and is conducted over a 1 ½ day period. It is an intensive and interactive learning experience which involves each participant practicing the skills throughout the workshop.

For those with sales reps across the country or state, all facilitation and communication for our online course are done over the phone. Saving your team time away from the office and the cost of travel expenses.

The CAPS™ training is different than most common advice processes but it does not replace current process. It can, however, be said to "turbo-charge" your current process and build upon your natural strengths as a communicator. During the workshops, the CAPS™ facilitator will explain how CAPS™ and Your Companies advice process complement each other. 

- Listen carefully and relate answers to the specific motives of each buyer
- Guide interviews to productive outcomes
- Use questions to determine needs and priorities
- Overcome indifference, doubt and objections
- Ethically persuade others to take appropriate action

CAPS Overview
The CAPS™ Overview shows the relationship between the one-on-one ethical persuasion skills advisors learn and sharpen in the CAPS™ Workshop to guide productive conversations.

This means attendees learn a new skill while practicing others so their knowledge and ability to use each skill grows through practice and repetition.

The skill of Listening and Evaluating Attitudes is taught and reinforced throughout the entire workshop because it is essential to practicing ethical persuasion and consultative communication.

The next focus is Probing... using questions to communicate. Then, attendees learn about Closing and will continue to practice the Probing skills throughout the time they are learning about Closing.

The skills of Listening, Probing and Closing are introduced first, so that more time and opportunities are available for practice of these essential skills.  All of the CAPS™ Skills are introduced in this manner and are demonstrated correctly whenever they would occur in an actual conversation.

This process allows attendees to see and hear examples of the Supporting, Proving, Transitions and Overcoming Objections Skills before, during and after they are introduced as a separate Unit of Training.  When a new Skill is introduced, attendees benefit because they are already familiar with some of the ways the Skills are used.  This allows them to respond to questions and assignments as soon as they begin working with the Skills.

On-site workshop:

Handbook: contains introductions to CAPS™ Ethical Persuasion Skills and several units of programmed instruction.   Attendees are directed to read short segments and complete the programmed instructions at various intervals throughout the program.  Attendees benefit because an explanation of the Skill Models enables them to measure their understanding of how they work, before engaging in the interactive Video assignments.

Interactive Video Role Plays:  There are approximately 200 opportunities for workshop attendees to respond in the role of the Advisor during the workshop. The first role play includes both Probing and Closing skills. Then the Supporting Skill is introduced, and the previously learned skills will continue to be practiced as the rest of the skills are added.

Product and Proof Sources:  In each session attendees will be selling insurance products. These products are used because almost all financial advisors are familiar with insurance.   These products also require the Advisor to use Ethical Persuasion Skills to encourage prospects to buy.

Role Plays:  Some sessions conclude with Role-play situations.  Attendees practice the skills in the simulated environment of a client conversation. They benefit from this practice and repetition. The “What If?” role play is based on the participant’s actual experience.

9 Week Online Program:

Online Handbook: contains introductions to CAPS™ Ethical Persuasion Skills and several units of programmed instruction. Attendees are directed to read short segments and complete the programmed instructions at various intervals throughout the program.  Attendees benefit because an explanation of the Skill Models enables them to measure their understanding of how they work, before engaging in the interactive Video assignments.

Both include online and in classroom settings:

  - Implementation Handbook

  - Interactive Video

  - Weekly Coaching Calls

A turnkey 21-day implementation and skill review program gets advisors using the skills immediately. CAPS™ Coaching system and tools helps attendees form the habit
 of listening and correctly evaluating attitudes and using the Skills correctly and in a timely manner.

Every attendee receives an Advisor Coaching Workbook. This tool reinforces CAPS™ and helps the advisor plan and set objectives, record outcomes, monitor and evaluate results. In addition, audio and online skill reviews are provided to reinforce the skills.  

A Leader’s Group Coaching Handbook is provided for your management team.  You can conduct the coaching sessions in a classroom or via conference call.  Group coaching provides participants opportunities to discuss actual conversations, learn from other’s experiences and practice the Skills in preparation for upcoming conversations.   

Communication Awareness & Persuasion Skills - CAPS™ helps Advisors ethically guide conversations to attract, serve and keep more ideal clients.  Your advisors and their clients benefit because they will achieve more of the results they want.  You benefit because your organization will experience better retention and the improved productivity you expect. 

Our custom pricing allows us to talor our solutions to fit your exact training needs.

Our Open couse fees are set as:

  -  9 week Online CAPS Course is $1295 per head

  -  In classroom workshop $1275 per head

We offer corporate sponshorship pricing if you have a group of representative you want to attend the course both for online or live wrokshops.

Contact us for specific pricing

"7 out of 10 CAPS participants had average case size production increases of 15% or more." 

"I came with an "another training" attitude. This is not training, this is life changing. Thanks!"